Corsi di formazione nel campo dell'implantologia e della chirurgia orale.



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Training courses in the field of dentistry and oral surgery and zygomatic impalntology


SVCourses in Implantology, is a leader company in training courses in the domains of dentistry,
dental and oral surgery and zygomatic implantology with 20 years of experience.
We already organized more than 300 courses and we have 1500-trained dentists.
We organize courses every month of the year, with location Sao Paulo (Brazil); individual and
personalized (in duration and in practice) courses, according to the needs and knowledge of
our students. Our courses are in Italian, Spanish, English and Portuguese.
We offer the possibility to train in the best way, allowing the association of different courses
in the same period of time.
We guarantee each student a personal tutor.
The experience of our professionals and tutors ensures maximum learning and guarantees the
absolute safety of the surgical procedure by the participants.
We have the most advanced technology and a team of teachers of the highest level that
allows us each year to train students and rehabilitate many patients. The diagnosis is carried
out with TACs, RX and study models for a top-level execution, always putting the health of the
patient at the first place.
The surgeries are made with the most modern equipment used in implantology and oral
We offer theoretical-practical courses reserved for a limited number of participants to ensure
the highest level of learning, combined with practice exclusively on patients.

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Zygomatic Implantology Brazil

Rehabilitate patients with severe atrophy of the upper jaw and to train our students in order to solve complex cases.

Basic and Advanced Implantology

acquire the necessary practice for implant placement and to know first and second level implant techniques.

Oral Surgery Cuba

Deal with security and serenity the oral surgery. Surgical removal of wisdom teeth, from difficulty to assessing and managing risk…

Advanced Implantology Brazil

Provide participants an excellent preparation both theoretical and practical intensive on advanced and minimally invasive implant therapies.

Let's find out what students of our training courses write about Sv Corsi